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Erdogan courts ‘terrorist’ Assad amid...

  24 Jul, 2024
It’s been well over a decade since millions of Syrians flooded into Turkey en masse, seeking refuge from the civil... View More 

Video shows street battle between...

  24 Jul, 2024
CNN’s Larry Madowo was on the ground as battles between protesters and Kenyan riot police escalated once again. Nairobi residents... View More 

A 134-year-old home goods retailer...

  24 Jul, 2024
Conn’s HomePlus, a 134-year-old furniture and electronics retailer with locations primarily in the southern United States, has filed for bankruptcy... View More 

Salt Lake City confirmed as...

  24 Jul, 2024
Salt Lake City has been confirmed as host for the 2034 Winter Games by International Olympic Committee. View More 

‘It was humiliating.’ Evictions in...

  24 Jul, 2024
A toxic mix of surging rental rates and vanishing support for renters has catapulted evictions above pre-pandemic levels in some... View More 

Russia is offering Moscow residents...

  24 Jul, 2024
Authorities in the city of Moscow are offering a record signing-on bonus for new recruits to fight in Ukraine, in the latest... View More 
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Display List view - BBC

Janet Jackson on the teacher...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News

Netanyahu seeks to bolster US...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News

Michigan man, 80, run over...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News

Benjamin Netanyahu faces 'day of...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News

New footage shows US officer...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News

Australian surfer Kai McKenzie's leg...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News

Breaching whale capsizes boat and...

  24 Jul, 2024
  BBC News
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